Hello and welcome to my website! I am retrying Neocities in an attempt to make a more accessible and
responsive webpage, as well as to try and build more of my HTML and CSS skills!
If you find my website cool, here is my site button to link!
My Guestbook
Content this website will have (some are not here yet! I'm still working on them):
- Art page
- Writing page (original works + fanfictions)
- Cool shrines of things I like (I plan to import some over from my old website at one point)
If you find my website cool, here is my site button to link!
My Guestbook
Devlog (Dates written in the YYYY-MM-DD format)
- : Website gets a couple mobile graphics!
- : Website gets its own button (finally), the art page, a blog page, and the SCP Webring!
- : Website recieves first graphics and a new layout. No graphics for mobile yet!
- : Website created. Receives first major updates throughout the week.
Planned Updates (Dates written in the YYYY-MM format)
- None!