
Welcome to my blog! Just various ramblings I'll have, it won't be updated consistently! Also, misspellings and grammer issues may be present since I want to try not to think too hard about what is posted here.

- On my site's 'manifesto'

I know many people on Neocities have 'manifestos' of sorts for their websites. I, (un)fortunately, really don't? I started this website without any real ideas of what I wanted, besides somewhere where I could put what I wanted without too much worry or care. Previously, I was very anxious over my presence, online especially. Having some sort of outlet where I could just dump things, finished or not, really did wonders for my anxiety, especially since it felt more 'isolated', whilst also still being 'connected'.

That is to say, no I don't have a manifesto for this page, only the giant goal of 'creativity' (with a sign on the side saying 'accessible'). I find myself not actually caring about who visits this site, way less than I do about, say, my Tumblr account, though. It feels, in other words, 'safe' (though I know that may be false). Even with a side goal of accessibilitiy, I feel more free to write, draw, and express the aspects of myself that I might not otherwise show on more public social media on this site. And it feels great!